
3 1/2 to 5 years

Preschool Room

Our Preschool (Kindergarten) Program is developed and implemented by our Early Childhood Teacher. Our preschool program is customised to meet the individual needs of each enrolled preschool child, in accordance with the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline – QKLG – January 2019.

Our educators will actively encourage your child’s interest in literacy and numeracy as well as social and problem-solving skills and will provide them with the building blocks to develop and practice these skills. The preschool year is an especially important year in a child’s development as it prepares them for transition to primary school, our program is designed to prepare children socially, emotionally, physically, and cognitively. Primary schools are challenging place for young children. In the year before your child’s primary school journey begins, our educators, in their daily interactions, will encourage your child to develop a passion for learning and support them to begin this exciting journey to big school.

Preschool caters for up to 33 children, aged 3½ to 5 years with a 1: 11 ratio.

Some examples of activities that the child at this developmental stage should be doing:

  • Develop friendships and skills for playing with other children.
  • Learn to use symbols in more complex ways and in two-dimensional form.
  • Expand their ability to attach language to actions and ideas.
  • Explore relationships between objects and how parts and wholes fit together (as in making constructions).
  • Experiment with how to make desired effects happen with objects and people.
  • Develop increasingly complex large and small motor skills.
  • Learn how to plan ahead.
Preschool Room, Sunny Hills Child Care

Daily Routine

7.00am – 9.20am
8.45am – 9.20am
Outdoor Play – Sustainable focus – composting, chicken care and gardening. Supporting children’s interests in play. Focus group activities on veranda.
9.20am – 10.30am Group Time – Acknowledgement of Country, group discussions, plans for the day.
10.30am – 10.45am Morning Tea – promoting healthy lifestyle and self-help skills.
10.45am – 11.45am Exploration Time – self-guided play in groups and as an individual. Focus group activities.
11.45am – 12.15pm Group Time – Focus learning
12.15pm – 1.00pm Outdoor Play
1.00pm – 1.30pm Lunch time – promoting healthy lifestyle and self-help skills
1.30pm – 3.00pm
1.30pm – 2.00pm
Sleep / Rest time
Reading time – Reading Eggs
2.00pm – 2.45pm Table activities
2.45pm – 3.15pm Group time – Reflection of the day
3.15pm – 3.45pm Afternoon tea – promoting healthy lifestyle and self-help skills
3.5pm – 6.00pm Outdoor Play – supporting children’s interests in play.


Sunny Hills Child Care Preschool Room
Touch screen activities in preschool room
Bookcases in the preschool room